What Is CALD in the Workplace? - Speak Your Language | Australia

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What Is CALD in the Workplace

What Is CALD in the Workplace?

Posted on: October 14, 2024 by admin

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) workers are those from different countries, cultures, and language backgrounds. They can consist of individuals who speak English and other languages. 

What are the Benefits of a CALD Workforce?

A CALD workforce provides organisations with various advantages, including a more supportive and collaborative work environment, greater customer targeting, and an excellent brand image. 

Enhanced Creativity 

Employees from different cultural and language backgrounds offer diverse perspectives and unique experiences, inspiring greater creativity and innovation. 


A CALD workforce encourages a more inclusive work environment where individuals can embrace or celebrate their differences. 


Employees can feel more comfortable sharing their life experiences and collaborating in a diverse and supportive work environment. 

Greater Customer Understanding 

CALD employees offer greater insight into communicating with diverse audiences. They can use appropriate tones, style and cultural cues to address customers appropriately. 

Global Competitiveness 

Employees from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds can help businesses expand into international markets and remain competitive globally. 

Positive Team Dynamics 

Greater awareness and understanding of different backgrounds can encourage support between workers and enhance interpersonal work relationships. 

Improved Brand Image 

A CALD workforce highlights businesses’ commitment to diversity and inclusion, which can be a significant factor for the public and other organisations. 

How Can You Support CALD Employees in the Workplace?

Supporting CALD employees in the workplace involves implementing inclusive policies, providing cross-cultural training and language resources, and ensuring suitable communication.


  1. Inclusive policies: Consider inclusive policies for different cultures and religious beliefs. These should include flexible hours and leave days for religious practices and observances. 
  2. Cross-cultural awareness and training: Set up workshops and training on different cultures to educate workers on other beliefs, customs, and regions. These programs can promote understanding and inclusivity. 
  3. Language resources: Provide professional interpreters and translators to ensure employees can engage and collaborate freely in meetings, group seminars and conferences. You can also offer additional language courses to employees who want to learn a new language or to improve their skills. 
  4. Communication channels: Survey employees to learn their preferred communication platforms and provide suitable channels. Translate official documents and policies into preferred languages to ensure workers have access to essential information. 
  5. Diverse leadership: Equal and diverse representation in leadership roles can help CALD employees feel more valued and represented. 
  6. Feedback platforms: Frequently provide surveys on CALD employee experiences to gather insights on ways you can improve their work environment. 


Get Professional Interpretation and Translation Services From SYL 

Professional interpretation and translation services are crucial for supporting culturally and linguistically diverse employees in the workplace. SYL specialises in professional and customised language interpretation and translation services.


Our NAATI-certified and experienced professionals are skilled and trained in various languages and cultures. We help employees communicate freely and openly in the workplace, ensuring their voices are heard and their views represented. 


Whether you need document translation, video, or conference interpreting, we are a trusted source for quality and efficient language solutions.


Contact us to learn more about our services and request a quote to start today.